Report Sightings
The more people we have looking for invasive pests, the better our chances are to prevent establishment of the pest in Kentucky. If you see a pest (insect, invertebrate, plant disease) that could be one of the exotics featured on this website, let us know!
What to Do:
- You can collect the insect in a container and put it in your freezer.
- If you aren't able to collect the insect, the next best thing is to take a picture.
- Make note of the location, either an address or GPS coordinates.
Who to Contact:
County Extension Agents:
- Your local extension agent is a valuable, local resource who can assist you with identification of the organism.
Submit your Sighting to Our Office:
Information from photos or from your initial phone call can often be used to determine if further action is necessary.
Here are some options for submission:
- Fill out this form on our website.
- You can submit your contact information, pest information, location, and you can upload an image as well.
- Email photos to
- You can also submit photos to the Kentucky Office of the State Entomologist Facebook page.
- Contact us at the Office of the State Entomologist. Our general office number is 859-257-5838 and then you can select any name from the list.