Vascular Streak Dieback Disease
In the last few years, beginning around 2022, several states began seeing wilt and dieback on some nursery stock, specifically on redbud, maple, and dogwoods. Early symptoms included leaf chlorosis, scorched leaf margins, and wilting of current year's growth that would eventually lead to the death of individual branches and even progression into the main stem. While the 3 types of trees listed previously are still the most common hosts, this disease has been detected in a variety of woody ornamentals (see link for a complete list).
With this threat to the nursery industry and the landscape, the Tennessee Department of Agriculture spearheaded a multi-state survey for this disease. Kentucky is participating again in 2025. A nursery inspector will conduct the survey in 7 sites in 7 counties across the state and will send samples to Tennessee for analysis.
Images can be found in this publication from Virginia: Vascular Streak Dieback: An Emerging Problem on Woody Ornamentals in the U.S.