Soybean Commodity Survey
Soybeans are a major crop in Kentucky with 1.5 - 2 million acres planted each year. The annual contribution of soybean production to Kentucky's economy includes over 9,600 jobs, $1.48 billion in output (value of goods and services) and $582.6 million in GDP (value-added) (Data from NASS and prepared by the Community and Economic Development Initiative of Kentucky). The 2023 soybean crop was better than expected, with near record levels of 55 bu/acre, a 7.8% increase from 2022 (USDA-NASS and The importance of the soybean industry in Kentucky highlights the need for a survey focused on pests in this system.
We will trap 10 soybean fields in western and central Kentucky. We will have a trapping program designed to target five moth pests: Old World Bollworm, Silver-Y Moth, Bud Borer, Golden Twinspot Moth, and Cotton Cutworm. The traps will be in the soybean fields from May to September. We will also conduct a survey for an invasive weed: Yellow Witchweed.